There are numerous risks during the early construction and establishment phase. Exposure to the elements, heavy machinery and lifting are some of them. Fire protection in the workplace may not be at the top of the list of safety priorities. There are nevertheless some obvious fire hazards on the horizon and there is every reason to be vigilant about them! Read below why fire safety issues should be taken into account from the very start and throughout the project!

Fire damage during a construction project can have several adverse consequences, with economic assets lost and completion plans delayed. In the worst case, people’s lives and health may also be at risk. It may be tempting to think that the fire safety problems only arise when the project looks like and is perceived as a building with a sealed façade and roof. However, experience shows that the risks arise at much earlier stages than this. To illustrate the fire risks that exist, I will take a few examples that I myself have encountered during my career as a fire engineer, both as an emergency response manager and as a fire consultant and advisor to contractors and developers.


Pär Hansson FSD Göteborg AB