Owners or occupiers of buildings or other facilities must carry out systematic fire protection work (SBA), which is a legal requirement pursuant to the Civil Protection Act (SFS 2003:778). Chapter 2, Section 2§ of the Act states that a reasonable amount of fire extinguishing and life-saving equipment shall be maintained in the event of a fire or other accident, and such other measures shall be taken as are necessary to prevent fire and to prevent or limit damage caused by fire. This means that everyone should work systematically with their fire protection work by methodically reviewing the fire protection system and ensuring that it works and that everyone in the organisation has the appropriate knowledge and authority.
In order to achieve an appropriate level of systematic fire protection, the scale, complexity and risks of the business may determine the structure of the systematic fire protection system. A clarification of how systematic fire protection work can be carried out can be found in SRVFS 2004:3 general recommendations and comments on systematic fire protection work.
To make it easier for you as a customer, we have developed a web-based tool, where all the information about your company’s systematic fire protection work is gathered in one place. The tool will help you gain full control, regardless of the size or complexity of your business. Checks are easy to perform using the accompanying app and all information is readily available to your organisation. You can learn more here:
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